Tag Archives: Fairfax

Sew 296 – Silk for Sydney Town Hall

Jane Milburn wears upcycled silkIt was such a privilege to be at Sydney Town Hall last night for the 100 Women of Influence awards dinner, at the invitation of my friend Georgie Somerset who is a regional influencer named in the 2014 list.

Westpac chief executive Gail Kelly announced Elizabeth Broderick as the overall 2014 Woman of Influence for her strategic and far-reaching work as Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner.

There were some fabulous speeches, with Kelly saying women of influence know how to share their stories, have purpose and generosity, and co-sponsor Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood saying gender diversity is still an issue – because men inevitably revert to male-group-think, society needs women in positions of influence. The other point Mr Hywood made was women journalists from Fairfax currently hold the nation’s top journalism awards, led by Joanne McCarthy with a Gold Walkley.  Continue reading

Sew 243 – Opshop finds need no-sew

Katy wears opshop uncutLast year National Op Shop Week came and went without much of a ripple – in contrast to this year when there has been an incredible media response, including from New Corp HQ.

Hats off the Jon Dee from Do Something Near You and the National Association for Charitable Recycling Organisations for raising the profile of the important role op shops play in our society and highlighting how we can contribute by donating, buying and volunteering. 

News Corp Australia became involved as part of its 1 Degree environmental sustainability initiative, which is about the small steps we can all take that add up to big change and lead to a sustainable future.  That’s so aligned with my Sew it Again project, refashioning existing clothing.  Continue reading