Tag Archives: Gabbinbar

Sew 229 – Max models fancy pants

Max wears fancy pantsQuality remains long after price is forgotten. I bought a harlequin cotton Canterbury rugby jumper decades ago and it has stood the test of time, still intact although benched.

Knowing I would see Max this weekend for our family trip to Toowoomba (ref Sew 228) – I decided while watching Hercule Poirot (there are puzzles in both) to refashion the jumper as fancy pants since the first pair (ref Sew 202) went well. Reflecting on the harlequin jumper – made in Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand (home country) – I realise they were probably created as a way to use off-cuts from single-coloured jumpers. The jumper began life with thrifty values, worthy of refashion rather than bin.  Continue reading