Tag Archives: Karen Ellis

Sew 313 – Who wants our waste

Jane Milburn wears Textile Beat jacaranda purple“It’s time to stop giving our crap to the poor.” We think we are being kind and generous when we donate our unwanted clothing to charity – but are we just shifting our old stuff their way to help ourselves? When we give to people in need, we should give quality stuff – or cash.

In this thought-provoking post on We Are That Family, Kirsten wrote: ‘Just because our donation feels like we are helping, in reality, we could be hurting. Bales of used clothes are sold to African countries for resell and they end up flooding the market and often put local textile businesses and seamstresses out of business.”

Yesterday I wrote that Australia exports 70,000 tonne of used clothing each year (according to NACRO) mainly to UAE, Pakistan and Malaysia – that is 70,000,000 kg of cast-off clothing every year. Every pair of jeans (less than 1kg) takes 10,000 litres of water to grow the cotton fabric (according to WRAP UK). They are big numbers. Textile waste is a big issue and the more I read, the more I’m convinced that as a society, we need to change our ways.  Continue reading

Sew 214 – T-shirts reworked

t-shirts reworkedHacktivism strikes me as a great term to describe the art of hacking into reject and cast-off clothing that is no longer loved, at the same time as making a statement about waste and exploitation that arises from contemporary fashion consumption habits. (That was until I googled it and found it’s more readily aligned with computer hacking.)

Anyway, this method of upcycling reflects the #scavengerstyle fashion political statement made by upcycler Karen Ellis whose 24/7 practice is wearing garments salvaged from the point of landfill in Victoria, Australia for the past five years.

Karen brought my attention to Otto von Busch and his >self_passage< research project that ‘explores how fashion can be used for empowerment, self-development and personal growth instead of being a phenomenon of top-down decrees and collective anxiety’.  Continue reading

Sew 171 – Tropical shirt becomes apron

Shirt becomes apronThis apron is refashioned from a children’s shirt, with second-button torn on an otherwise useful cotton garment.

The tropical print is getting me into a packing mood for a trip to Malaysia tomorrow – sorting summer gear and scarves. And I’m pleased to still have at least five guest upcycles by Gwen, Bev, Audrey, Kerrie and Meredith from the productive Biloela workshop to post while I’m in KL!

Today’s tropical shirt was part of a ‘fill-a-bag for $2’ batch of natural fibre rejects I recently gathered from my favourite Windsor Road Baptist Church Thrift Shop and Eternity Boutique. I am trying to keep out of op shops, but like my upcycling colleague and fellow frugal-refashionista Karen Ellis of #scavengerstyle in Victoria I’m always on the lookout to rescue useful stuff that’s going to waste. Continue reading